AUSTRALIAN 330mL Beer Cans - pg 5

Emu Light Draft Emu Original draft Gazelle Premium Gold Lion

EMU LIGHT DRAFT BITTER - Non Alcoholic Malt Beverage 
1 NCS RC6 ELK5302 SILV Can no. above 5 lines Asian in box + 1 line // RS= 2 lines English above RC6

EMU ORIGINAL DRAFT - Cold-Aged Bitter Beer - Brewed in Western Australia
1 NCS RSo EDJK301 SILV 8 lines Asian above barcode & Can No.// LS = 3 lines address above RSo, RS = 2 lines English above 4 lines Asian
2 NCS RSo EDJS302 SILV similar to above
3 GD4 RSo EDJS303 SILV 8 lines Asian boxed above barcode & Can No // LS = GD4 top, 3 lines address above RSo, RS = 2 lines English above 4 lines Asian
4 NCS RSo EDJS303 SILV as above but no canning symbol

GAZELLE PREMIUM BEER - Low Alcohol Beer - 0.9% ALC/VOL
1 NCS RSo GAZ301 SILV 6 lines above barcode // LS= P of A, RS = 4 line address
2 GD4 RSo 4767 SILV 6 lines Asian above barcode #4767 & GD4 // LS = P of A above RS0, RS= 4 lines address above 4 lines Asian

1 . . 4819 . .

similar can filled by Singapore brewery

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